Receptor (biochemistry)

In the field of biochemistry, a receptor is a molecule most often found on the surface of a cell, which receives chemical signals originating externally from the cell. Through binding to a receptor, these signals direct a cell to do something—for example to divide or die, or to allow certain molecules to enter or exit.

Receptors are protein molecules, embedded in either the plasma membrane (cell surface receptors) or the cytoplasm or nucleus (nuclear receptors) of a cell, to which one or more specific kinds of signaling molecules may attach. A molecule which binds (attaches) to a receptor is called a ligand, and may be a peptide (short protein) or other small molecule, such as a neurotransmitter, a hormone, a pharmaceutical drug, or a toxin.

Numerous receptor types are found within a typical cell and each type is linked to a specific biochemical pathway. Furthermore each type of receptor recognizes and binds only certain ligand shapes (in analogy to a lock and key where the lock represents the receptor and the key, its ligand). Hence the selective binding of specific a ligand to its receptor activates on inhibits a specific biochemical pathway.

Ligand binding stabilizes a certain receptor conformation (the three-dimensional shape of the receptor protein). This is often associated with gain of or loss of protein activity, ordinarily leading to some sort of cellular response. However, some ligands (e.g. antagonists) merely block receptors without inducing any response. Ligand-induced changes in receptors result in cellular changes which constitute the biological activity of the ligands.



The structures of receptors are very diverse and can broadly be classified into the following categories:

Membrane receptors may be isolated from cell membranes by complex extraction procedures using solvents, detergents, and/or affinity purification.

The structures and actions of receptors may be studied by using biophysical methods such as X-ray crystallography, NMR, circular dichroism, and dual polarisation interferometry. Computer simulations of the dynamic behavior of receptors has been used to gain understanding of their mechanism of action.

Binding and activation

Ligand binding is an equilibrium process. Ligands bind to receptors and dissociate from them according to the law of mass action.

\left[\mathrm{Ligand}\right] \cdot \left[\mathrm{Receptor}\right]\;\;\overset{K_d}{\rightleftharpoons}\;\;\left[\text{Ligand-receptor complex}\right]
(the brackets stand for concentrations)

One measure of how well a molecule fits a receptor is the binding affinity, which is inversely related to the dissociation constant Kd. A good fit corresponds with high affinity and low Kd. The final biological response (e.g. second messenger cascade, muscle contraction), is only achieved after a significant number of receptors are activated.

The receptor-ligand affinity is greater than enzyme-substrate affinity. Whilst both interactions are specific and reversible, there is no chemical modification of the ligand as seen with the substrate upon binding to its enzyme.

Agonists versus antagonists

Not every ligand that binds to a receptor also activates the receptor. The following classes of ligands exist:

Constitutive activity

A receptor which is capable of producing its biological response in the absence of a bound ligand is said to display "constitutive activity".[4] The constitutive activity of receptors may be blocked by inverse agonist binding. Mutations in receptors that result in increased constitutive activity underlie some inherited diseases, such as precocious puberty (due to mutations in luteinizing hormone receptors) and hyperthyroidism (due to mutations in thyroid-stimulating hormone receptors).

Theories of drug receptor interaction

Occupation theory

The central dogma of receptor pharmacology is that drug effect is directly proportional to number of receptors occupied. Furthermore, drug effect ceases as drug-receptor complex dissociates.

Ariens & Stephenson

Ariens & Stephenson introduced the terms "affinity" & "efficacy" to describe the action of ligands bound to receptors.[5][6]

Rate theory

The activation of receptors is directly proportional to the total number of encounters of the drug with its receptors per unit time. Pharmacological activity is directly proportional to the rate of dissociation & association not number of receptors occupied:

Induced fit theory

As the drug approaches the receptor the receptor alters the conformation of its binding site to produce drug—receptor complex

Receptor regulation

Cells can increase (upregulate) or decrease (downregulate) the number of receptors to a given hormone or neurotransmitter to alter its sensitivity to this molecule. This is a locally acting feedback mechanism.



Transmembrane receptors can be classified into three families based on the way they transmit information into the interior of the cell:[8]

The entire repertoire of human plasma membrane receptors is listed at the Human Plasma Membrane Receptome.[9][10]

G protein-linked

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are also known as seven transmembrane receptors or 7TM receptors, because they possess seven transmembrane alpha helices.[11] Ligand activated GPCRs in turn activate an associated G-protein that in turn activates intracellular signaling cascades.

The GPCRs can be grouped into 6 classes based on sequence homology and functional similarity:[12][13][14][15]

Ion channel-linked

Ligand gated ion channels also known as ionotropic receptors are heteromeric or homomeric oligomers.[16] Binding of a ligand to the ion channel results in opening of the channel to increase ion flow through the channel or closing to decrease ion flow.


An enzyme-linked receptor also known as a catalytic receptor is a transmembrane receptor, where the binding of an extracellular ligand triggers enzymatic activity on the intracellular side.[17][18]

Tyrosine kinases

These receptors detect ligands through their extracellular domain and propagate signals via the tyrosine kinase of their intracellular domains. This family of receptors includes;


Peripheral membrane

These receptors are relatively rare compared to the much more common types of receptors that cross the cell membrane. An example of a receptor that is a peripheral membrane protein is the elastin receptor.


Transcription factors


The ligands for receptors are as diverse as their receptors. Examples include:


Receptor Ligand Ion current
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor Acetylcholine, Nicotine Na+, K+, Ca2+ [16]
Glycine receptor (GlyR) Glycine, Strychnine Cl > HCO3 [16]
GABA receptors: GABA-A, GABA-C GABA Cl > HCO3 [16]
Glutamate receptors: NMDA receptor, AMPA receptor, and Kainate receptor Glutamate Na+, K+, Ca2+ [16]
5-HT3 receptor Serotonin Na+, K+ [16]
P2X receptors ATP Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+ [16]


Receptor Ligand Ion current
cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels cGMP (vision), cAMP and cGTP (olfaction) Na+, K+ [16]
IP3 receptor IP3 Ca2+ [16]
Intracellular ATP receptors ATP (closes channel)[16] K+ [16]
Ryanodine receptor Ca2+ Ca2+ [16]

Role in genetic disorders

Many genetic disorders involve hereditary defects in receptor genes. Often, it is hard to determine whether the receptor is nonfunctional or the hormone is produced at decreased level; this gives rise to the "pseudo-hypo-" group of endocrine disorders, where there appears to be a decreased hormonal level while in fact it is the receptor that is not responding sufficiently to the hormone.

In the immune system

The main receptors in the immune system are pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), toll-like receptors (TLRs), killer activated and killer inhibitor receptors (KARs and KIRs), complement receptors, Fc receptors, B cell receptors and T cell receptors.[19]

See also


  1. ^ Congreve M, Marshall F (March 2010). "The impact of GPCR structures on pharmacology and structure-based drug design". Br. J. Pharmacol. 159 (5): 986–96. doi:10.1111/j.1476-5381.2009.00476.x. PMC 2839258. PMID 19912230. 
  2. ^ Cascio M (2004). "Structure and function of the glycine receptor and related nicotinicoid receptors". J. Biol. Chem. 279 (19): 19383–6. doi:10.1074/jbc.R300035200. PMID 15023997. 
  3. ^ Kumar R, Thompson EB (May 1999). "The structure of the nuclear hormone receptors". Steroids 64 (5): 310–9. PMID 10406480. 
  4. ^ Milligan G (December 2003). "Constitutive activity and inverse agonists of G protein-coupled receptors: a current perspective". Mol. Pharmacol. 64 (6): 1271–6. doi:10.1124/mol.64.6.1271. PMID 14645655. 
  5. ^ Ariens EJ (September 1954). "Affinity and intrinsic activity in the theory of competitive inhibition. I. Problems and theory". Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 99 (1): 32–49. PMID 13229418. 
  6. ^ Stephenson RP (December 1956). "A modification of receptor theory". Br J Pharmacol Chemother 11 (4): 379–93. PMC 1510558. PMID 13383117. 
  7. ^ a b Boulay G, Chrétien L, Richard DE, Guillemette G (November 1994). "Short-term desensitization of the angiotensin II receptor of bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells corresponds to a shift from a high to a low affinity state". Endocrinology 135 (5): 2130–6. PMID 7956936. 
  8. ^ Secko D (2011). "Cell surface receptors: a biological conduit for information transfer". The Science Creative Quarterly (6). 
  9. ^ Ben-Shlomo I, Yu Hsu S, Rauch R, Kowalski HW, Hsueh AJ (June 2003). "Signaling receptome: a genomic and evolutionary perspective of plasma membrane receptors involved in signal transduction". Sci. STKE 2003 (187): RE9. doi:10.1126/stke.2003.187.re9. PMID 12815191. 
  10. ^ "HPMR - Human Plasma Membrane Receptome". Retrieved 2011-12-27. 
  11. ^ Gobeil F, Fortier A, Zhu T, Bossolasco M, Leduc M, Grandbois M, Heveker N, Bkaily G, Chemtob S, Barbaz D (2006). "G-protein-coupled receptors signalling at the cell nucleus: an emerging paradigm". Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 84 (3-4): 287–97. doi:10.1139/y05-127. PMID 16902576. 
  12. ^ Attwood TK, Findlay JB (1994). "Fingerprinting G-protein-coupled receptors". Protein Eng 7 (2): 195–203. doi:10.1093/protein/7.2.195. PMID 8170923. 
  13. ^ Kolakowski LF Jr (1994). "GCRDb: a G-protein-coupled receptor database". Receptors Channels 2 (1): 1–7. PMID 8081729. 
  14. ^ Foord SM, Bonner TI, Neubig RR, Rosser EM, Pin JP, Davenport AP, Spedding M, Harmar AJ (June 2005). "International Union of Pharmacology. XLVI. G protein-coupled receptor list". Pharmacol. Rev. 57 (2): 279–88. doi:10.1124/pr.57.2.5. PMID 15914470. 
  15. ^ "Search for: gpcr". InterPro. European Bioinformatics Institute. 
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Boulpaep, Emile L.; Walter F., PhD. Boron; Boron, Walter F. (2005). Medical physiology: a cellular and molecular approach. St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier Saunders. p. 90. ISBN 1-4160-2328-3. 
  17. ^ Ronald W. Dudek (1 November 2006). High-yield cell and molecular biology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 19–. ISBN 9780781768870. Retrieved 16 December 2010. 
  18. ^ Alexander SP, Mathie A, Peters JA (February 2007). "Catalytic Receptors". Br. J. Pharmacol. 150 Suppl 1 (S1): S122–7. doi:10.1038/sj.bjp.0707205. PMC 2013840. PMID 17279064. 
  19. ^ Waltenbaugh C, Doan T, Melvold R, Viselli S (2008). Immunology. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 20. ISBN 0-7817-9543-5. 

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